
As a leader among First Nations, Huu-ay-aht First Nations will create certainty for its people and generate wealth for financial independence by providing economic opportunities, social, cultural, and recreational programs for all Huu-ay-aht people.

Naaca maʔał Huuʔeeʔatḥ ḥaaʔak
ʔuukʷaqḥwitas ʔuuʔaałuk quuʔas minḥ
ʔiisaakstał ʔuusaḥqƛin čačimhi
Hupuk̓ʷanim, ciqyak, łim̓aqsti, tanaqił minḥukqin


Huu-ay-aht First Nations envisions a strong, self-governing and self-reliant Nation. ʔiisaak (Greater Respect) will guide us as we work together to foster a safe, healthy, and sustainable community, where our culture, language, spirituality, and economy flourish for all.

Community Wellness Vision

Our citizens are grounded in our culture, teachings, and sacred principles. Through healing, wellness, celebration, and the understanding of our Treaty, we are connected, empowered, responsible, accountable, and motivated.