Huu-ay-aht implements Alcohol Policy

Huu-ay-aht First Nations wants to create an environment that supports and promotes healthy lifestyles and community wellbeing. Therefore, the Nation is implementing an Alcohol Policy on its Treaty Settlement Lands.

The policy identifies healthy options available to people who use Huu-ay-aht facilities where alcohol is provided. It applies to the day-to-day operations of all businesses run by Huu-ay-aht’s Group of Businesses and events HGB hosts on Treaty Lands where alcohol will be served using a Special Occasions Licence.

The desired outcomes from this policy are to:

  • Reduced community disruption due to drinking
  • Fewer injuries and hospital visits
  • Reduced impaired driving

The decision aligns with Huu-ay-aht’s Strategic Plan, which states:

  • Our home will be safe, healthy, appealing place where half of our people chose to live.
  • Our children will grow up safe, healthy and connected to our home and culture/values.

Please see Alcohol Policy 2018 for the complete policy. If you need information or have any questions, look under Policies and Rules at:

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